Sophomore Testimonials

Sophomore Testimonials

Jordyn Jiron-"When Coach Hang recruited me out of high school, I wasn't sure what I wanted, but after having conversations with her, I knew I made the right choice for myself by committing to her program. Playing at Valley for the past two years has been a big part of my journey because I've changed for a greater reason as a person and basketball player. She taught and gave me advice to help me with things on the court and in life. She mentored and helped shape me into who I am now as a leader, student, and athlete. I will forever be thankful for her as I will be able to apply everything she's taught me wherever I go. It's because of her and my teammates that I can look back where I started and be in a completely different space continuing my school and basketball career. I'm grateful to have the best teammates by my side as they've made me better. They make being here fun, especially with all the memories we've created."

Dyani Del Castillo-"My experience at Valley has been amazing. I feel like I'm in an environment where I can learn and grow not only on the court but also as a person. I truly admire the way Coach Hang views the game and I feel very blessed that she shares her knowledge with us. I am a transfer, so coming to Valley, I was hoping I made the right decision, and now, I know that I did. Coach Hang puts so much effort in developing her players to be their best and the team clearly portrays that. Everything Coach Hang teaches us serves a purpose. I love it here at Valley and will forever be grateful for being accepted by Coach Hang to play as a Monarch."

Jackie Privado-"Deciding to come play and continue my basketball career at Valley was the best decision for me. Not only have I grown as a basketball player, but as a person. Coach Hang cares a lot and wants the best for all of us; from the staff, to the assistants, and us players. I'm thankful to have been challenged by her and I am happy with who I have become on and off the court. I met great people that I will miss but will always remember all the memories made." #gang

Leena Vo-"Coming into college, my original plans were to just focus on school. Coach Hang as well as the assistant coaching staff at Valley gave me hope for the bigger picture. Being a part of the team these past two years has been such a great experience. I've gained another group of friends that I can call family. The people involved in this program always want the best for one another. Coach Hang has developed me into a high-level player that I didn't think I could be. She pushes the team and myself to have goals for ourselves and does her best to help us reach them. Hang has taught me so much knowledge and skills, both on and off the court, which I will carry with me moving forward. I'm so grateful to have taken the chance to come play at Valley and wouldn't change it!"

Emilie Brugna-"Valley allowed me to live out my dream of playing college basketball in the US. Coach Hang made me grow on and off the court. She inspires me to become a better player and person every day. I couldn't have wished for a better program and team to support me during my time at Valley. I will forever be grateful for the opportunity to live this experience. I will never forget all the hard work and the great memories."Merci!

Juliet Jaramillo-"When I was a senior in high school, I truly believed that basketball was over, but as the games quickly came to an end, I knew I couldn't give up the sport that I loved so much. Thankfully, my high school coach connected me to Coach Hang and she gave me the opportunity to continue my basketball career at the intercollegiate level. It was difficult to adjust from no structure to fundamentally sound basketball. I was challenged mentally and physically but I wouldn't change it for a second. I've learned so much from Coach Hang about the game of basketball in the past three years than I've learned my entire life. I'm grateful to be a student of the game under coach Hang and I will miss all the knowledge she has to offer. I'm forever appreciative that she gave me the opportunity to be a Monarch and how she believes in me. Thank you to all the coaches and all of the memories." All love always :)